Invisalign in Katy Texas

Have you been dreaming about achieving a straighter smile for what feels like forever? Ask our team at Peek Dentistry about our affordable Invisalign services. Invisalign uses comfortable clear braces to shift the teeth into straighter positions in 12 to 18 months on average. For more information or to schedule an Invisalign consultation with our team, please reach out to our front office so we can assist!

iTero Imaging System

What are the benefits of Invisalign clear aligner therapy?

Invisalign is one of the most popular clear aligner brands on the market, and for good reason! Invisalign uses the latest in orthodontic technology to make their treatment plans as effective and enjoyable as possible. Patients love Invisalign because their aligners are:

  • Virtually Unnoticeable on the Teeth
  • Made of Smooth, Comfortable Material
  • Easy to Remove and Clean
  • Just as Efficient as Metal Braces
  • Convenient; No Food or Activity Restrictions
young woman smiling

How does the Invisalign process work?

We will take digital impressions of your smile to create your custom treatment plan and your first set of clear aligners. Once your clear aligners have arrived at our office, we will have you come in and try on your first one. After this, it will be up to you to wear your Invisalign clear aligners for 21 to 22 hours per day and switch to the next aligner in the series every two weeks to keep your treatment plan on track. Aligners should be removed before you eat and before you brush and floss your teeth. Otherwise, they should be worn as much as possible.

Do clear aligners hurt to wear?

There is usually a short adjustment period for patients wearing Invisalign clear aligners for the first time. Your teeth are not used to being moved, and clear aligners begin shifting the teeth right away, so you can expect to feel a little discomfort or pain. However, it shouldn’t be anything that over-the-counter pain medication can’t relieve. We also recommend putting in new aligners at night before you go to sleep so that your teeth can adjust overnight. If your clear aligners still feel uncomfortable after a few weeks, let us know so we can assess the situation.

Invisalign vs traditional braces