Professional Teeth Whitening

Whitening your teeth is an easy way to enhance the appearance of your smile and your overall appearance. Peek Dentistry is proud to offer excellent professional teeth whitening services through Kor Whitening. Kor Whitening is one of the best options for professional teeth whitening due to its advanced custom treatment plans and highly-effective results. If you would like to learn more about how professional teeth whitening can complement the natural beauty of your smile, please get in touch with our front office!

What are the benefits of professional teeth whitening?

Teeth whitening products that you find over-the-counter can usually lighten the teeth and make them appear a little brighter, but they often won’t provide the even, consistent shade of white that many patients are looking for. Professional teeth whitening services are also provided and monitored by a dental professional, which makes these treatments more safe and effective. Professional teeth whitening is more of an investment, but if you have an event coming up or you really want a brighter smile, professional whitening is the way to go!

closeup of a bright, white smile

The Kor Whitening Difference

Kor Whitening is a great teeth whitening option due in large part to how the gel is shipped and stored. Most teeth whitening gels, even professional ones, are stored at room temperature or in warmer temperatures, which causes the teeth whitening properties to break down significantly and lose their effectiveness before they even make it to the patient. Kor Whitening is the only teeth whitening option that is refrigerated from the moment it’s made until it is ready to be used, making it an incredibly effective choice for teeth whitening.

Does professional teeth whitening cause sensitivity?

Teeth whitening can cause a little tooth sensitivity, especially if the patient already has sensitive teeth, but this discomfort should only last for a few days. In the meantime, we recommend avoiding very hot or cold foods to reduce the chance that your teeth will feel sensitive. Kor Whitening is an excellent choice for patients who have sensitive smiles, as teeth whitening gels become more acidic as they break down, which is part of what causes sensitivity. Since Kor Whitening is kept cold, it doesn’t degrade, which leads to a comfortable experience for the patient.

professional dental whitening